Tag Archives: The Secret Language of Birthdays

The Seceret Language Of Birthdays

28 Nov

Have you ever heard of the “Secret Language” books?

This is a question I ask new friends from time to time. When the answer is “yes!”, I feel a giddy connection. For those who say “no”, I am excited to share a long kept oracle of sorts that my sister and I have at times consulted, and other times shunned for fear of tainting whatever feelings we have accumulated from sheer experience instead of suggested truths…. But sooner or later – you can’t help but take a peek and revel a charted version.

The Secret Language books is a reference to “The Secret Language of Birthdays”, “The Secret Language of Relationships”, and “The Secret Language of Destiny”.

These books take a birth date and share an assessment of what those coordinates reveal about who you are, how you love, and where your path in life is headed. Although you can visit the dedicated website and explore immediately, I love the beautifully illustrated books and the joy of looking through the pages and finding a world of personal exploration.

Note, this is not a horoscope but a personology guide, based on years of research into the human condition, which uses days of the year to pull out a shared experience for an extrapolated version of a truth.

Alright, enough — if you are not interested yet, you never will be. For those intrigued, know that once you have experienced the Secret Language books, there is no turning back. Spot on, or spotted with truth, what you find will make you think about the connection of when you were born in relation to who you are at your core.

It is all in good fun so, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.